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The reader experiences what Chester Luttrell sees in his world. The old man learns by observation. The retired police officer is a mentor. Marlee Kinion celebrates her twelfth birthday with a crisis that only Chester can resolve. The retired police officer quietly and methodically guides the young girl through her problem.

Rookie Deputy Jim Chamberlain is faced with a series of burglaries and vandalism in his Forest Hills beat. Chester stimulates the young deputy’s thought processes so he can solve the crimes. His former protégé, Detective Barbara Johnson, struggles to unravel the mystery of a teenage boy’s disappearance. She seeks her old boss’s guidance to find the boy before it is too late.

Chester knows how to find the answers, but he doesn’t want to make the process too easy. He expects each answer found to be a learning experience, a life lesson to be used again and again.





Fateful Acceptance

A serial killer by circumstance, he moves across the country to escape his demons, only to find new ones in each city. He desperately tries to avoid repeating his crime, but the deaths keep coming. He is convinced the deaths are a punishment meted out by the hand of God.

Detective Sarah James is relentless and eventually finds the right clues to connect the various murders he has committed. She follows him doggedly in her effort to see that justice is served.

The killer’s name is never spoken, but it is revealed to the attentive reader in one laughable clue.


House Divided

Brett Stamos loved his job, he loved his country, but most all, he loved his wife. When he allowed his curiosity to override his good sense, he lost all three.

Brett found out that written history does not always match up with real history. Unwittingly, he uncovered that a monumental hoax had been perpetrated on the American people. He discovered original history books that debunked six decades of misinformation that kept President Maklua’s government in power.

Slated for termination on charges of sedition, Brett’s sure death is averted when he is rescued by people that he once disavowed as invaders and trespassers. The simple Forester becomes the face of an underground “Liberty” Movement whose mission is to return the United States to its former glory as a beacon of freedom in a dangerous world.


Soul’s Aperture

Bart Stearman is committed to meeting his Maker. Melba Kirsham is committed to saving the life of her infant son, Arnold. Circumstance and serendipity thrust both of them into the middle of a medical experiment that will affect not only Bart’s soul but the souls of others. Fighting against odds that suggest he cannot succeed, Bart struggles to save the life and soul of Arnold Kirsham, who is an unwitting player in the conflict. Before their souls can be saved, Bart must align with the only source of power capable of energizing a battle in the darkness outside the Light.


Better Times – Facet III

Spavin Lawson kept his promise to the united human population of 32nd Century Texas City. He and his wife, Clarissa, had gathered the brightest minds they could find and put together the Technology Development Plan. The Plan was a template to build a civilization based upon ecologically sound principles. Unfortunately, the completion of The Plan required a population density that did not exist in the 32nd Century. Cataclysmic events a millennium earlier had reduced humans to uncivilized tribes totaling fewer than ten thousand people in what was once North America. Unknown to the citizens of the new city, long lost humans who were struggling to survive on Mars and Luna also assisted in the development of The Plan. A secret node on the Technology Development Plan was dedicated to the eventual reunification of all Humankind.

Spavin could not entrust the future of his progeny and the human race to chance. He knew that the two-hundred year plan would need a boost at the critical point of Reunification. With his family and Shadow Warrior Nevlyn Bydman, he used his time dilator so he could guide the completion of The Plan and ensure Humankind would find better times.


Better Times – Facet II

From 32nd Century Wyoming, Spavin Lawson led a group of one-thousand refugees from the bunker that housed Resurgent City in a search for better times. The 22nd Century Government bunker had exceeded the design specifications of its creators thanks to the leadership of its first elected Mayor. A small city had expanded and prospered inside the mountain. The original population of less than two hundred souls had grown into nearly five-thousand. Unfortunately, the ancient nuclear power plant that provided the people the power to survive had leaked radiation for generations. The net effect of the radiation and the cave environment had altered the population. The people had developed genetic albinism with eyes well suited to the dimly lit cave city. Small in stature yet curious and adaptive, the Tribe followed the tall, dark-haired man and his wife without question. The outside world was foreign and frightening but within days, the people realized that The Judges of Resurgent City had held them in a grasp of religious fervor not based on factuality or reality. The journey they embarked upon was destined to lead them to the coast of Texas.

Spavin Lawson, physicist by training, believed the coast would provide better opportunities for the otherwise doomed population. He reckoned that South Texas’ coast would allow the petite, pale people to re-establish the human race on Earth. That location was further from the immediate geological and environmental effects of the Yellowstone super volcano eruption that had induced a global deep freeze ten centuries earlier. His greatest concerns for Humankind were the long term effects of the high radiation exposures and the lack of genetic diversity.


Better Times – Facet I

Spavin Lawson enjoyed his quiet life as the leader of a team of theoretical physicist who worked for the U.S. Government’s Temporal Ministry. The quiet, dedicated scientist was content with his life in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Together with his wife, Clarissa, he had a nice home and two teenage daughters, Sasha and Stephanie. They experienced the epitome of the American dream. Unfortunately, three centuries of abuse had finally caught up with the planet. The warned climate change that had been pooh-poohed for more than one-hundred years came crashing ashore. With new sea levels and relentless hurricanes assaulting the coasts, hordes of survivors were forced inland only to find that droughts had decimated the breadbasket of the world. Spavin knew that the United States of the 22nd Century was not survivable. His idyllic lifestyle came to an abrupt end. With his family, Spavin embarked upon a journey to seek better times. The Lawsons’ journey was unlike any journey in the annals of Man.


Death Of A Gene

Rodney Miller was just the tip of the iceberg. Festering in his tortured mind was the depravity that defined him and his progeny for generations to come. His genetic code was written to be read in the annals of history. His sister, Mary Miller, was less tortured but possessive of the same malevolent genetics. Though separated by circumstance, her offspring and his were destined to corrupt the human genome and meet in a climactic battle of evil wills. Only Divine Providence could unravel the double-helix and erase the error before irreparable damage could be done to the human race.


One Particular Patriot III

Aaron Clements feared subsequently contingent interpretations of The Words of The Constitution more than he feared any man. Those misguided interpretations could do more harm to the liberties of the citizens than could any misguided politician.

Aaron put his fortune and life at risk to save a nation that was struggling to find its way. John Gaspereti, Homeland Security Director, put his career at risk to save a nation that did not even know it was in danger.

Charles Setters facilitated the actions of both men even though they were centuries apart.


Grandfather’s Will

SPC Charles Craigton’s life was on the line. To save himself and his squad from sure defeat, he had to draw on an inner strength that transcended the military training he had received. His struggle to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds demonstrates that the past and the future are inseparable in the fight for survival.


One Particular Patriot II

Aaron Clements took it upon himself to prevent misinterpretations of the Words of The Constitution. The veteran of The War of Independence was a humble subsistence farmer eking out a living in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina; he did not relish the thought of standing before the Founding Fathers to influence their thinking…but he knew it had to be done and there was no one else to do it.

Aaron Clements was the only man in the newly formed United States who knew the secrets of his future.




One Particular Patriot I

Aaron Clements is a man out of time. Worse, his wife and three daughters are in the same situation. His only hope lies in the hands of a stranger, Charles Setters.

Winning The War of Independence was not a guarantee that the fledgling United States of America would always be a bastion of freedom and liberty for its citizens. Aaron learns that bitter lesson and resolves to ensure his nation does not eventually lose The War of Independence to greed and power seekers.

Charles Setters believes it is not treason to overthrow tyrants. He also believes in making an easy dollar.







East Texas Proud

This is a story that is raw and real. Fiercely independent, in true Texas fashion, Stark Wiseman struggles to hold his family heritage together against forces that seem bent on destroying what his grandfather and father had created. The unexpected death of his daughter seems to be the final assault on his resolve—the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back. But Stark fights on against insurmountable odds, determined to preserve his family heritage. The only thing that sustains him is his East Texas pride.



Life’s a Bitch

Trey Managua’s and Polly Anne Dodgem’s dreams were not the same, but they were compatible.


Trey was unemployed at the age of sixty, the victim of a factory closure. He was too young to retire and too old to attract an employer. His dream was to work until he was sixty-six and retire with a comfortable nest egg for his golden years.


Polly Anne was an innovator and entrepreneur. After years of research, she had finally developed a process by which she could regenerate usable cotton fiber from textile scraps. By regenerating the fiber from scraps, her “black box” process would easily reduce the use of landfill space used for untold tons of textile waste. More importantly, her use of regenerated fiber would reduce the number of acres of land required to grow cotton, which in turn would reduce the volume of chemicals and amount of water used to make that cotton grow. Her dream was to make a difference in people’s lives. She only needed a manufacturing facility and skilled workers to commercialize her process.


Trey’s recently shuttered nonwovens factory offered the opportunity for Polly Anne to engage in manufacturing products using her regenerated cotton fiber. It was a match made in heaven.


Praise the Lord!



Mirror Finish

The city of Devaney is under assault. Police chief Keck asks Detective Sarah James to “quietly” investigate the circumstances surrounding an automobile accident that took the life of Mayor Clairmont. New mayor Kamen tries to force Chief Keck to change police practices to be more “citizen friendly.” An unscrupulous new drug supplier is selling fentanyl- and carfentanil-laced drugs, which is causing the deaths of Devaney young people. A crazed bar assailant with a knife has the city on edge.


Detective James’s two-person department juggles the cases and tries to stay above the conflict between the chief and the mayor. Sarah’s focus is to protect Devaney’s citizens and the integrity of Devaney Police Department.


The Fence

Ephraim Calvert wanted one thing: freedom from his past. Without the constraints of his past looming over him like a dark cloud, he could enjoy the life he deserved. The Texas frontier offered the opportunity to start anew and to rid himself of his past.


Ephraim learned that everyone has a past and everyone has secrets. Secrets define people. To guard their secrets, people build fences. Before his struggle to build a good future on the wreckage of the past could be successful, he had to understand the secrets and accept the fences. Texas was worth the fight, no matter the cost.



Seldom is the path to justice easy to follow or clearly marked. The kidnapping of Terry Overton was prefaced by the murder of his younger brother, Bentley. Detective Sarah James searches for clues and a motive while the kidnappers play a nerve-racking game of cat and mouse with the Overton family. Terry’s life is at stake and the clock is ticking.


Humanity’s Vessel

Humanity One was built for one reason, and maneuverability was not it. The vessel was a massive biosphere that plowed its way through space guided by values established by humans long dead. Captain Cesar’s paradigms were rocked by the fact that the Innovators did not anticipate the possibility of an alien encounter. Added to the Captain’s burden was the fact that fifteen-year-old Maddie and her Generation 4 Group engaged in heresy that could spell failure for future generations and Humanity One’s Mission. Torn between the teachings of the Innovators and the radical behaviors of the Gen 4 teenagers, the aging Captain struggled to find solutions to the dual dangers to humankind. Either an attack by the aliens or the assault on tradition by the teens could lead to the extinction of humans, and the Innovators offered no guidance to successfully resolve either danger.


Make Sure You’re Right

Chief Sarah James is hooked on the horns of a dilemma. She must decide whether the murder of a police officer or the murder of a prominent Devaney citizen takes precedence with only one detective at her disposal. Multiple suspects and an interfering Mayor complicate matters. Sarah must rely upon her motto, the one made famous by Davy Crockett, “Make sure you’re right then go ahead.” But – being right is not always easy.


Lifetime of Fear

Space Train Engineers are a contrary lot. The most contrary of all is Adin Bartlett. Joint Commander Kevin Masters personally selects Adin and his Bountiful Express crew, Conductor Bella Bok and Space Miner Shendo “Spook” Khoper, for a historic assignment to mine microbes on a distant planet in Home’s solar system. The microbes are needed to replenish surface life on Home, a planet whose loss of atmosphere has forced humans to burrow into tunnels for survival. The adventure is fitting of true Home Heroes. Only Spook, a Technologist with unnatural intuitive abilities, has reservations about the assignment. Adin’s only complaint is that the desk Engineers thrive on theories that don’t fit and ignore realities. Bella is the balance for the combination of the aggressive and tentative natures of her crewmates as the space train encounters the unknown with minimal information.


The adventure opens the crew’s minds to unbridled fears, fears that far exceed their experiences as asteroid miners, and exposes them to dangers outside of human understanding. The crew’s complementary abilities are the only things that can bring their assignment to a safe conclusion – if their assignment can be completed at all.



Baker Standish would rather do anything than stand in front of a history classroom full of disinterested teenagers. He chose a career outside of academia. His mentor, Professor Bill Jamison, suggested Lineal Chronology as the ideal career choice for a US History major.

Baker Standish was overwhelmed by his new responsibilities. A Timekeeper’s duties were far reaching, farther than he could have ever imagined. One of the hazards of the job was something HR Manager Kara Leflar called Timekeeper confusion. Between the confusion and his persistent earworm, Baker wondered if his career choice was a good one.

Against a backdrop of his own reality, Baker engages in mission after mission to set the links in the chain of events that create reality in the proper order. Someone is messing with the clock and it’s a constant struggle to reset it.